FALCO, a project funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme, developed between 2017 and 2022 three financing solutions to tackle certain aspects of ambitious local climate action plans in Flanders, Belgium. The project gathered partners ranging from consultancies specialised in energy efficiency, to Flemish authorities and a European network of cities.
With a budget of €1.7 million, the project managed to mobilise a total investment portfolio of ca. €18 million by piloting its solutions in Flemish cities and municipalities.
The solutions focused on three sectors: renovation of public buildings, renovation of private buildings and energy-efficiency investments for Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs). In terms of housing segments, it also looked into social housing and private homes.
For a detailed look into the project, please find here the Final Report
For more information, please contact project lead Annick Gommers (annick(at)kenteradvies.be) or Communication lead Masha Tarle (m.tarle(at) climatealliance.org)